03 July 2009

So apparently when TV first started in 1800 or whenever, the broadcast used to just end at night. Like I guess it would be maybe 11 or whatever, I don't know, but apparently everything would just cut off and they would play the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance and that would just be it. End of the broadcast day. 

I sort of wish that still happened now, except with everything. TV, internet, my whole laptop. Sometimes I wish it would just shut off. I realize I could just manually do that, but I know I probably won't. When I was in Egypt and didn't have my laptop and only had internet access when I would go find an internet cafe, I didn't miss it near as much as I thought it would. I actually really loved not having direct internet access whenever I wanted it. We still watched lots of arabic music videos, which was fun, but I wasn't on my laptop for half the day. 

It would really be an outrage if the internet just shut off at a certain time. It might be the end of civilization as we know it. Seriously. Everything revolves around the internet. 

Whatever. I just can't remember what I used to be before I spent like 4 hours a night on my laptop. I think I talked to my family or played barbies or hung out with Jon in his room and played with our legos who all had a name and very specific personality. 

With that being said, I can't decide what to do in my spare time before I go to bed. I could: 
  1. Watch Donnie Darko on my laptop
  2. Play the sims on my laptop
  3. Listen to music on my laptop
  4. Continue reading the complete works of Oscar Wilde... in a real book. 
I'll read some Wilde. 

p.s. I know TV was invented after 1800. I was making a joke and trying to be funny, which is why most jokes are told. 
p.s.s.  I love my laptop and don't know what I would do without you ... oops I mean "it". I literally did just type "you" not on purpose...