Lately I've been having really disturbing dreams that bother me all throughout the day. Last night's dream was about the sun basically flaring out and torching the entire earth/a giant flaming meteor blowing up the earth. It was late at night and I was grocery shopping at school with some people that I don't really know and we got outside with our grocery bags to put them in the trunk and I heard this loud streaking noise like a missile tearing through the air and I looked up and this big orange yellow flaming oval shaped meteor was falling towards the earth and leaving a smoke trail behind it.
And everyone knew what was happening because they had been talking about it on the news.
And the last thing that happened was that I was thinking about how I needed to get to my car and get home to say goodbye to family and
that Michelle's in Cincinnati and
all of the friends that I wont' see again. Then my alarm went off.
And I was relieved. And now I've been all shaken up all day thinking about the world ending like a scene from a disaster movie. These dreams really need to cease and desist,
it's not a good way to start my day.