23 September 2009

I've said some pretty stupid stuff today because I didn't sleep well last night or any of the nights since last Thursday. Here's a few examples. 

I was supposed to be at class today from 2:20-3:50 but I showed up at 2:50 because I got it confused with another class that meets right next to it from 2:50-3:50 on a different day. I had a story due today too so it looked like I was one of those slackers that couldn't get the story finished on time. 

I said that triangles don't naturally exist. 

For my radio show, they have a set schedule for us to follow of when we're supposed to do say and play what, and I was in charge of it this week. At the end of the show, we were a full ten minutes off. Five of the songs just didn't get played.

I talked to my roommate for like 15 minutes about how a poem I was going to write. Here is that poem: 

I wish we could all be normal again.

I wish we could all be normal again. 

(The middle is open for interpretation. hahaha). 

Basically, I've just been talking out of my butt all day. 

10 September 2009


I'm an english writing major, and I hate everything I've written so far this semester. It's all horrible.