26 January 2010

Today, in a nuthshell

My cat attacked me at 6am.
Fell asleep at a red light on 86th street.
Wearing the itchiest sweater in the world. Literally.
My stomach failed to realize I ate lunch.
The water has "goobers" in it, and can apparently alter the color of pants.
Dentist appointment in the morning.
Just had lunch, before which, my stomach was growling.
While I ate lunch, my stomach was growling.
Now, after lunch, my stomach is growling.


I'm determined to trick my stomach into realizing I already had lunch.

23 January 2010

Seriously, for serious

Me: The lead singer of Weezer is named Rivers. Like rivers in the ocean!
Alex: Noooo, like rivers in the lake! DUHHH.

22 January 2010

30 days of night

Me: "Where did these vampires even come from?"
Jenna: "Probably Russia."

I wonder

What are the chances that I could get a llama? This one, to be exact. I have a name picked out: Gibbous.

13 January 2010

Get well soon

Feeling severely displaced.

11 January 2010

Found the turtleneck. Just the cut tag of off and wore the new one this morning. Typical.

06 January 2010

So this entire idea I had of sleeping on the schedule of a hard-working adult instead of a desperate, struggling, over-worked college student is flying like a sack of bricks.

I'm trying hard. My plan was to go to sleep at between 11:30 and 12 to wake up at 6:20(ish). Okay, wow. Last night I fell asleep around 2 or 2:30 to wake up at 6:30. I also broke the toilet handle clean off (still not sure how) when I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom. Well, I woke up late. Stayed awake at work with aid of coffee, coffee beans covered in dark chocolate, and by being busy with things to get done. Got home and PASSED OUT. I'm having trouble accounting for what happened between 5:30 and 7. I just remember sitting on my bed with my computer.

So now here I am, an hour nap under my belt and the clock growing closer to the time I have to wake up. I'm sure I'll get adjusted just in time to go back to school. Then I'll get back and want to go to bed at 11 every night, knowing good and well I have enough work to keep me up straight through the night.

I feel like this whole entry is poorly written. So sorry.

Could not... Could not find the turtleneck

Looked. Did not find. Bought two new ones. Now I will probably find the old one.

04 January 2010

Indecisiveness solved

Me: Ugh, should I get these styrofoam bowls or not??
Hannah: ...
Me: Okay, okay, I know. I'll close my eyes and throw them and if they land in the cart, I'll get them. If they land on the floor, I'll leave them there and run away.
Hannah: Okay.
Me: I'm also going to spin around three times.

Closed my eyes, spun about 12 times, and threw them directly into my cart. Crazy.
Later found a pair of moccasin slippers that I wanted instead.
Left the bowls in the shoe department and instead bought the moccasin slippers (which I have every intention of wearing outdoors, on a regular basis).
I lost my favorite (and only) turtleneck. I'm on a mission to find it before bed. Hell-bent, if you will.

01 January 2010

Today sucked so bad.

Typical New Year's Eve.