27 October 2010

Assorted Quibbles

1. "At least he's an equal opportunity scowler."
-Angela Davis

2. "So he's following the lead of his brother... who is woefully uninformed."
-Angela Davis

3. iPods have a "return to factory settings" button. I need to get one of those installed on my forehead, plz.


5. Right now, there are few things more terrifying than the future.

6. "Quibbles" was the wrong word choice. Quibble means fight. Random fights? Regardless, THE TITLE STAYS. For aesthetic value, if for nothing else. What looks better than "quibbles"?? Besides maybe "pumpernickel".

7. Just gave "quibble" a google. It's okay-- that's exactly the right word.

8. Maybe I don't need to return to factory settings.

9. I'm unsettled by unfinished internet conversations. I'm sorry I neglected for fifteen minutes, get back online. I'll pay attention now.

10. Jolly ranchers inspire me.

11. I almost stepped on a praying mantis the other day by accident. It was praying. I dodged it. I thought of Hamlet.

12. Because I hate odd numbers.

14 October 2010

I'd say my life is well on track.

It's 4:22 am and I'm awake, hopped up on caffeine and sugar, wearing fake glasses and doing midterm stuff while watching this: