Just as a future F.Y.I. for myself, these are my top 25 most played iTunes songs as of today.
25. Tessellate- Tokyo Police Club
24. The Minor Prophets- Haste the Day
23. 68- Haste the Day
22. Land Locked Blues- Bright Eyes
21. Seven Nation Army- The White Stripes
20. Honest Hitchhikers Asking For Cash Handouts- Sky Eats Airplane
19. Attractive Today- Motion City Soundtrack
18. One Day Women Will All Become Monsters- Chiodos
17. Road To Joy- Bright Eyes
16. Sleeping Lessons- The Shins
15. Marching Bands of Manhattan- Death Cab For Cutie
14. All Nerieds Beware- Chiodos
13. Challenger Pt. 2- Gwen Stacy
12. Crashin- Jack's Mannequin
11. Now That You're Home- The Manchester Orchestra
10. So Long- Guster
9. Caution, Dangerous Curves Ahead- Maylene & The Sons of Disaster
8. The Opposite Viewed In Real Time- Sky Eats Airplane
7. Messes of Men- MewithoutYou
6. Resolve- Haste the Day
5. Could Tell A Love- Bless The Fall
4. Quiet As A Mouse- Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
3. You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son- Wolf Parade
2. Patterns- Sky Eats Airplane
1. At The Bottom Of Everything- Bright Eyes
This is very interesting to me. I feel I don't even listen to half these songs that much? Guster? Motion City Soundtrack? Oooh, I think they're from Jon's iPod. DANG IT.
Future Note to Self: Reset the play count of songs that appear on the top played that definitely shouldn't be.