30 July 2009

next semester's forecast...

Because pessimism gets me nowhere. That was so last semester. 

27 July 2009

I have a bite the size of a half dollar on my leg, among others. Something is eating me alive and it's not a mosquito. 

23 July 2009

Oh, you know, just sleeping in a kitchen.

21 July 2009

Quotes from family vacation '09

Grandad: Do you know the difference between an elephant and a banana?
Me: No. 
Grandad: Then I'm not sending you to the store for bananas!

Highway toll man: That'll be $9.10
Dad: $9.10??
Grandad: That's highway robbery.
Dad: Literally.

Even though family vacation irritates me to no end I have to admit, this is pretty funny.

12 July 2009

Just as a future F.Y.I. for myself, these are my top 25 most played iTunes songs as of today. 

25. Tessellate- Tokyo Police Club
24. The Minor Prophets- Haste the Day
23. 68- Haste the Day
22. Land Locked Blues- Bright Eyes
21. Seven Nation Army- The White Stripes
20. Honest Hitchhikers Asking For Cash Handouts- Sky Eats Airplane
19. Attractive Today- Motion City Soundtrack
18. One Day Women Will All Become Monsters- Chiodos
17. Road To Joy- Bright Eyes
16. Sleeping Lessons- The Shins
15. Marching Bands of Manhattan- Death Cab For Cutie
14. All Nerieds Beware- Chiodos
13. Challenger Pt. 2- Gwen Stacy
12. Crashin- Jack's Mannequin
11. Now That You're Home- The Manchester Orchestra
10. So Long- Guster
9. Caution, Dangerous Curves Ahead- Maylene & The Sons of Disaster
8. The Opposite Viewed In Real Time- Sky Eats Airplane
7. Messes of Men- MewithoutYou
6. Resolve- Haste the Day
5. Could Tell A Love- Bless The Fall
4. Quiet As A Mouse- Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
3. You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son- Wolf Parade
2. Patterns- Sky Eats Airplane
1. At The Bottom Of Everything- Bright Eyes

This is very interesting to me. I feel I don't even listen to half these songs that much? Guster? Motion City Soundtrack? Oooh, I think they're from Jon's iPod. DANG IT. 

Future Note to Self: Reset the play count of songs that appear on the top played that definitely shouldn't be. 

06 July 2009

Jerry Uelsmann.

I'm going to go live here. 
Me: Ooo, I have a great idea. I'm going to invent a remote control ottoman. Like, there's going to be a button on the remote control like the ones you have for video or input or whatever and it's going to say "O" or something and you can make the ottoman move back and forth with the channel or arrow buttons and you can just lift up your feet and you don't have to reach out and--

Kiara: Pooky. What the hell are you talking about? 

03 July 2009

So apparently when TV first started in 1800 or whenever, the broadcast used to just end at night. Like I guess it would be maybe 11 or whatever, I don't know, but apparently everything would just cut off and they would play the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance and that would just be it. End of the broadcast day. 

I sort of wish that still happened now, except with everything. TV, internet, my whole laptop. Sometimes I wish it would just shut off. I realize I could just manually do that, but I know I probably won't. When I was in Egypt and didn't have my laptop and only had internet access when I would go find an internet cafe, I didn't miss it near as much as I thought it would. I actually really loved not having direct internet access whenever I wanted it. We still watched lots of arabic music videos, which was fun, but I wasn't on my laptop for half the day. 

It would really be an outrage if the internet just shut off at a certain time. It might be the end of civilization as we know it. Seriously. Everything revolves around the internet. 

Whatever. I just can't remember what I used to be before I spent like 4 hours a night on my laptop. I think I talked to my family or played barbies or hung out with Jon in his room and played with our legos who all had a name and very specific personality. 

With that being said, I can't decide what to do in my spare time before I go to bed. I could: 
  1. Watch Donnie Darko on my laptop
  2. Play the sims on my laptop
  3. Listen to music on my laptop
  4. Continue reading the complete works of Oscar Wilde... in a real book. 
I'll read some Wilde. 

p.s. I know TV was invented after 1800. I was making a joke and trying to be funny, which is why most jokes are told. 
p.s.s.  I love my laptop and don't know what I would do without you ... oops I mean "it". I literally did just type "you" not on purpose... 

01 July 2009

Lately I've been having really disturbing dreams that bother me all throughout the day. Last night's dream was about the sun basically flaring out and torching the entire earth/a giant flaming meteor blowing up the earth. It was late at night and I was grocery shopping at school with some people that I don't really know and we got outside with our grocery bags to put them in the trunk and I heard this loud streaking noise like a missile tearing through the air and I looked up and this big orange yellow flaming oval shaped meteor was falling towards the earth and leaving a smoke trail behind it. 

And everyone knew what was happening because they had been talking about it on the news.

 And the last thing that happened was that I was thinking about how I needed to get to my car and get home to say goodbye to family and 
that Michelle's in Cincinnati and 
all of the friends that I wont' see again. Then my alarm went off. 

And I was relieved. And now I've been all shaken up all day thinking about the world ending like a scene from a disaster movie. These dreams really need to cease and desist, 

it's not a good way to start my day.