I went for one yesterday. Actually, it was more a drive because the place I wanted to shoot wasn't within walking distance. But I did walk to a few places. My official photo walk will be later this week... maybe.
Anyways, I've been meaning to take pictures for a while, but I didn't know what to shoot. Then I decided to take pictures of things/buildings/whatever that I think characterizes how I see Greencastle.
The first place I went was this abandoned building I always pass coming in and out of Greencastle and I always think of how neat it looks. So, I drove there and did some shooting. There was this man who walked up to me while I was shooting (he came out of nowhere) and asked me if I was interested in buying the place. Are you kidding me man? Anyways, I told him no then he talked to me for a while longer about how the guy used to own it and now owns a body shop somewhere or something. Irrelevant. Then I told him I was taking pictures for a photography class which was a total lie. I should've said photography "project", that would've have been true. It's a project, just not one mandated by a professor. I assigned it to my self. Why did I tell that man I was in a photography class?
Whatever, the place was called Zippie's when it used to be a restaurant.
So I did some shooting around there. There was a lot of trashed furniture.
After the guy talked to me, he sat around on a fence and watched me take pictures. How creepy is that? You can see him here in the background in the orange shirt sitting on the fence.
WHAT A CREEPER. Apparently, he was there to park his car to try to sell it. You can see the bumper of on the far left upper corner. It was a piece of crap Buick that he wanted $1500 for.
I left once I was sufficiently creeped out and went to shoot this building that I shot for photography class last semester. It might be one of my favorite building's in Greencastle.
This is pretty much an exact replica of the picture I turned in for class. I even put it in black and white. There are more pictures of it on my flickr. I'm really obsessed with all the pointed triangles coming off of the roof.
I took other pictures around that area too of a steakhouse, mama nunz restaurant, and a feed center, whatever that is. They're on my flickr. I took other pictures around there too but I'm not crazy about them so I didn't post them anywhere. Maybe I will later.
Then I went to this creepy looking house. It looks haunted, and its broken and busted it down but it has great potential.
There was a dead squirrel on the sidewalk and it REEKED. Plus there was a car in the driveway and I was paranoid that maybe someone lived there. But I really think the house could be really nice. I would flip and another house if 1) I had money 2) The houses were somewhere more profitable.
This is the other one I want to flip. This one looks less haunted.
I love the red brick and the green shutters, as well as the nice architectural details. Really gives the house character.
This house was the last thing I shot that day. There's more on my flickr. I think I said that already. This is really just far too long.