28 April 2009



over the summer. 

27 April 2009

Photo walk.

I went for one yesterday. Actually, it was more a drive because the place I wanted to shoot wasn't within walking distance. But I did walk to a few places. My official photo walk will be later this week... maybe. 

Anyways, I've been meaning to take pictures for a while, but I didn't know what to shoot. Then I decided to take pictures of things/buildings/whatever that I think characterizes how I see Greencastle. 

I shot around 200 pictures but no one wants to look at 200 pictures worth of junk. So, I've chosen my favorites and put them on my flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/christine-ann/

The first place I went was this abandoned building I always pass coming in and out of Greencastle and I always think of how neat it looks. So, I drove there and did some shooting. There was this man who walked up to me while I was shooting (he came out of nowhere) and asked me if I was interested in buying the place. Are you kidding me man? Anyways, I told him no then he talked to me for a while longer about how the guy used to own it and now owns a body shop somewhere or something. Irrelevant. Then I told him I was taking pictures for a photography class which was a total lie. I should've said photography "project", that would've have been true. It's a project, just not one mandated by a professor. I assigned it to my self. Why did I tell that man I was in a photography class? 

Whatever, the place was called Zippie's when it used to be a restaurant. 

So I did some shooting around there. There was a lot of trashed furniture.

After the guy talked to me, he sat around on a fence and watched me take pictures. How creepy is that? You can see him here in the background in the orange shirt sitting on the fence. 

WHAT A CREEPER. Apparently, he was there to park his car to try to sell it. You can see the bumper of on the far left upper corner. It was a piece of crap Buick that he wanted $1500 for. 

I left once I was sufficiently creeped out and went to shoot this building that I shot for photography class last semester. It might be one of my favorite building's in Greencastle.

This is pretty much an exact replica of the picture I turned in for class. I even put it in black and white. There are more pictures of it on my flickr. I'm really obsessed with all the pointed triangles coming off of the roof. 

I took other pictures around that area too of a steakhouse, mama nunz restaurant, and a feed center, whatever that is. They're on my flickr. I took other pictures around there too but I'm not crazy about them so I didn't post them anywhere. Maybe I will later. 

Then I went to this creepy looking house. It looks haunted, and its broken and busted it down but it has great potential. 

There was a dead squirrel on the sidewalk and it REEKED. Plus there was a car in the driveway and I was paranoid that maybe someone lived there. But I really think the house could be really nice. I would flip and another house if  1) I had money 2) The houses were somewhere more profitable. 

This is the other one I want to flip. This one looks less haunted. 

I love the red brick and the green shutters, as well as the nice architectural details. Really gives the house character. 

This house was the last thing I shot that day. There's more on my flickr. I think I said that already. This is really just far too long. 

23 April 2009

considering ordering...


It sounds too good to be true!!

22 April 2009


I want some. 

And so does he. 

My biology professor cancelled class today to go turkey hunting. 

I'm currently on strike as far as reading my book for African-American Lit. It's vulgar/pornographic. 

I went to the french table today and spoke french for a half hour straight. I knew we had to have five of these "cultural linguistic points" all semester long, but I didn't realize each activity only counted for one point. OOPS. I was just going to watch one movie and have that count for five points. Swing and a miss!

Check this guy out:

Waldo Geraldo Faldo

So right now, I was supposed to be trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. But it's a big decision and I'm scared and nothing goes according to plan anyways. Does anyone really get to do what they want in life? Whatever. I don't know what I want to do and I don't like being asked repeatedly. When I figure it out, I'll let you know. 

18 April 2009

16 April 2009


here next year with Hillary!

On the top floor. Have no idea what it looks like inside in reality, but the layout is strange...

You have to click on the floor plan to see apartment 2, where Hillary and I are living. We will probably convert the half of the living room space into a second bedroom. Anyone want to sell us some dry wall? Haha, kidding. 

14 April 2009


"the future hangs over our heads"

11 April 2009

I was wrong...

housing "judgment day" is actually like all of this upcoming week, thursday especially. It's hard to pinpoint one day.

Of course, DePauw housing wouldn't make it that easy for me...

Basically, I'm freaking out even worse than before and I have a feeling I'm about to get majorly screwed over by housing. 

I wish I wouldn't have even checked my e-mail. At least then I could still be hopeful.

Whatever, I'm not going to let it ruin my weekend. I just bought seasons one, two and three of it's always sunny in philadelphia and I'm sooo excited to watch it!!

10 April 2009

Today is...

housing judgment day. 

And I'm nervous. Hence my diction: "JUDGMENT" instead of "notification". 

For serious, I'm freaking out. 

09 April 2009


Um so I just watched Judge Joe Brown. It's amazing how angry people can be over nothing. These two roommates had been in a physical fight over five dollars... Five dollars? Really? 

They were still pissed about it. 

But then the girl left before the lease was up, so I guess that's more reasonable for her roommate to be angry. But the reason she left was because of the physical altercation over the $5. 

Speaking of being cheap,  I just won a gift certificate for a free pizza from Domino's in the hub. They're doing some alcohol awareness survey. Once you finish it, you're guaranteed a prize! While she was looking for the envelope with the Domino's gift certificates, I saw some for Papa John's and Walmart too!! I'm really thinking about changing my hair, clothes, putting in my contacts and putting on my red sunglasses and going back there and taking another survey. There's some items I need from walmart, and it would be great to get them for free. Should I go back??? Gahhh, I don't know what to do. I wonder if they'll recognize me? Not with those bright red sunglasses. I can put my hair over my face too. 

I'm ready for a nap, but I've already made other plans. Here's what I'm going to do: Go to the gym, shower, go to walmart, start my paper and possibly finish. Here's what I want to do: nap, play the sims. That's quite the conflict. 

I need a vacation. Like I need to get out of the state for at least a week. I'd like to go camping. And do some stargazing. And lay in the warm sun. 

I really want to go on Judge Joe Brown and argue with one of my roommates over $5. I'll see who's interested. 

07 April 2009

summer/childhood movie

Hannah and I each ordered this off of eBay yesterday. I can't wait to watch it in 12-21 days. 

05 April 2009


I had a dream last night that I went back to work at Papa Murphy's and they had macaroni and cheese as a possible pizza topping. 

04 April 2009


My tax return plus my paycheck from Old Navy are both officially in my bank account!! I finally have more than $30 to live off of :D

In other news, 

LFO's lyrcis from summer girls is probably the most non-sensical piece of music ever written. I don't even know where to begin. I laughed so hard I couldn't stand up straight. I strongly urge you to read the lyrics here: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/lfo/summergirls.html. 
A good laugh awaits you. The youtube video is a treat also. 

Those cd's "Now that's what I call music" are apparently still being made. Guess what number they're up to. Guess. That's right. 72. Now 72. Wonderful!

I may or may not have listened a few of the Now cd's last night. As a result, I now have two Creed songs on my computer (embarrassed). Also I discovered, Enrique Iglesias and Zac Hansen are so cute. What's that? You don't believe me? Here, I'll show you. 

MMMBOP *insert gibberish here*


Umm... sorry, about that. I feel like I'm 11 years old. 

I've been studying for my biology test all day today. It blows. I'm going a little loopy and considering deleting those pictures above. 

I drank a rockstar today since they were out of my caribou coffee iced espresso. I responded very well to it. 

Going to see the knowing tonight. Chances are, it will suck, but hey its only a dollar!

If Nick Carter, formerly of the Backstreet Boys, proposed to me today, I don't know if I'd say no. That's how much I loved BSB. 

I should get back to studying now. My feet are freezing. Where are my moccasins?? 

Found em. 

I really want to go shopping with my money!! I haven't had money in so long. Oh and my mom RULES because I borrowed $140 from her to finance expenses for Chicago trip/shopping spree and now she says I don't have to pay her back! Does that rule or what? I mean, seriously, where would I be without parents? That thought terrifies me. Parents are a gift from God. 

This post is really far too long and those pictures are really obnoxious. I will leave them though. Why not? What could it hurt. OK, I'm seriously done now. 

03 April 2009


I am so sleepy that I just looked at pictures on google of people sleeping. I was going to post some of my favorites on here but I'm too sleepy. I'm always sleepy! Uggghhh, I need to WAKE UP. I think I've just perpetually been tired for the past like six years of my life. I remember when I used to be awake and energized all day!! Then I turned 14. Seriously, I have no reason to really be this tired all the time. I can sleep all day and like five hours at night and still be tired. For instance, on Tuesdays I don't have class. This past tuesday, i woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon... tired. I usually go to the gym when I wake up but instead i lazed around. Then I fell BACK ASLEEP at like 4. After I'd just woken up like two hours earlier. I woke up at 6 and I was tired again! I mean seriously, what the... guhh. If i sleep too much I'm tired, if I don't sleep enough I'm tired. I'm going to get lunch now. 

01 April 2009





So long, March kitten who has been staring at me all month while propped up one elbow and helloooo adorable black kitten peeking his head out of a popcorn bowl. You are too cute. Simple things excite me.