I watched this today for three hours. I had a GOOD laugh. A few actually. I can't wait until next tuesday so I waste another three hours!

I am willing to bet cookie monster a lifetime supply of chocolate chip cookies that I love chocolate chip cookies more than he does. I'm pretty much Mrs. Cookie Monster. My mom used to read me this book called Don't Forget The Oatmeal. Bert and Ernie were going grocery shopping and for some reason Bert really, really needed oatmeal. He was stressin. So they get to the grocery store and all this stuff happens there and they end up forgetting the oatmeal. Cookie Monster was there, and he had gone crazy and lost his head and tore through the cookie aisle, eating every cookie he could gobble down. Bert and Ernie had to apologize to the store manager on his behalf and help him clean it up. I think cookie monster had to pay him back too. At least I think that's what happened. I don't know. I was like five. The point is, I could see myself losing it and ripping into a delicious package of chocolate chip cookies. Basically, I said all this to say I just love cookies.
Today was just a really good day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for at least one more this week.