28 February 2009


Things that ruled today:
  1. Daft Punk- Crescendolls in particular
  2. Target- My new red sunglasses in particular
  3. Espresso Truffle
  4. Got to hang out with Hannah
  5. 50% off at Gap
  6. Taco Bell
  7. Not being at DePauw
  8. Seeing Tammy at Old Navy!
Things that didn't rule today:
  1. Going to work at Old Navy

I'm not good at counting/math but today looks like it could be classified as a good day.

Also, these are some noteworthy things:
  1. I saw trip leader Jeff on Friday.
  2. This guy yesterday, a Magician, said "I don't do very many things well, but I do do some things well and I magish." I appreciate that he made magish a verb meaning to do magic.
  3. The Putnam County Rural Transit.

Don't Wake Me Up

I don't want to. Just save me the trouble. 

24 February 2009

I wish everyday were a good day

I watched this today for three hours. I had a GOOD laugh. A few actually. I can't wait until next tuesday so I waste another three hours! 

I am willing to bet cookie monster a lifetime supply of chocolate chip cookies that I love chocolate chip cookies more than he does. I'm pretty much Mrs. Cookie Monster. My mom used to read me this book called Don't Forget The Oatmeal. Bert and Ernie were going grocery shopping and for some reason Bert really, really needed oatmeal. He was stressin. So they get to the grocery store and all this stuff happens there and they end up forgetting the oatmeal. Cookie Monster was there, and he had gone crazy and lost his head and tore through the cookie aisle, eating every cookie he could gobble down. Bert and Ernie had to apologize to the store manager on his behalf and help him clean it up. I think cookie monster had to pay him back too. At least I think that's what happened. I don't know. I was like five. The point is, I could see myself losing it and ripping into a delicious package of chocolate chip cookies. Basically, I said all this to say I just love cookies.

Today was just a really good day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for at least one more this week.

23 February 2009

I don't even know...

I am not a morning person. Here's how bad it is:

1. It takes me fifteen minutes to physically get out of bed after my cell phone alarm goes off. 
2. I literally can't speak until at least ten minutes after I'm out of bed. If you say good morning, I will walk right by. Maybe I'll grunt.
3. I don't like to be within five to ten feet of anyone. Stay away, please. 
4. I usually don't speak until I get to where I'm going. (class usually)
5. I always wake up tired. Apparently, some people wake up feeling refreshed and energized?? This was news to me. I envy those people. 
6. Sleeping in means I wake up naturally, when I want to. Sleeping in does not mean waking up at 9 instead of 8. That makes no difference to me. 

I'm writing this because I'm tired and angry because I woke up at 7:15 to study for a test and it did nothing but make me tired DURING the test, which I think I did badly on and I'm mad because I want straight A's this semester because I feel like a failure for dropping econ. That was a long and horribly written sentence, I apologize. And I call myself an English Writing major... psh. Plus, I have to do the homework I didn't do last night b/c I was studying for that stupid test that I know I still didn't get an A on. I'm hoping to scrape by with a B. If I get a C, I will be devastated, and probably cry, which I feel like doing anyways because ugghhh. Another bad sentence. I'm on a roll. I need my room soundproofed. I should get an estimate on that. Or, maybe whoever built this place should have taken that into consideration. I bet I could do the soundproofing myself. Just get some insulation... and a tool belt... and some fire. I'll add that to my list of things to do along with building a giant seamless slide down Mt. Sinai and installing the porch swing at the dream rest in the desert of Sinai or wherever we were into the back of the bus. 

My head is cleared now. Much better. Homework time. Well... lunch, then homework.

22 February 2009

The Resolution

Things could be worse. 
They could be a lot worse. 
I should realize that.

18 February 2009


Sitting on me...

I ♥ my kitty!

Haha, oh man cats are great.

17 February 2009

I Believe In Silence (sometimes)

For when I don't need complete silence and all I want to hear is music.

For when I need complete silence (sleeping, hardcore studying). I think I'm going to put some in now. Too bad mine aren't yellow.  

Sometimes, I love a song good and loud... with a slow chugging breakdown and some awesome double bass kick :)

That t-shirt cracks me up.

I should really do my homework now.

16 February 2009

I'm ready to drop...

Drop this class?
I can't decide.

15 February 2009

My Darkest Hour

Worst week/weekend ever? 


But, I'm not diseased so it's all good... I think. 

I'm thinking about starting a countdown to graduation, premature as it may seem. 

That stuff is delicious. 

13 February 2009

Every Man Has A Molly

Things I liked today:
Adam Lazzara
Back to the Future
Chocolate cupcakes
Say Anything
The Others (Nicholas)

Things I didn't like today:
Not being able to nap
My bladder
Cajun pasta
The Sims 3 isn't coming out until June

12 February 2009

Torches Together

New mewithoutYou CD April 7th? I sure hope so. I can't see me without mewithoutYou.

11 February 2009

We Just Won't Be Defeated

I can't take much more Lost! My mind will explode. And my nose will start bleeding. 

Have you ever taken pictures of yourself? I hadn't. 

But I have now. 

There was so much rain today. I changed my socks three times and my shoes twice. Not sure where my rain boots are. I think they are in a trash bag in a corner of my attic at home. 

On Monday I signed myself up to take my french oral exam at 11:00 am. But when I woke up at 10 this morning, I realized I had class from 10:30-11:30 (which I have every Monday, Wednesday and Friday). I had to e-mail my professor like an idiot and tell her I scheduled the test during my biology class. I was late to Biology. I did the exam at 12:45 instead. 

That is all. 

The Way We Talk

Let's talk about anything else for once. ANYTHING in the whole wide world. 

For instance, we could talk about this adorable dinosaur that I found along with a bunch of other heart-wrenchingly cute cartoon animals. 

Seriously, anything. 

I'm going to finish my book then hopefully go to bed. I've been waiting all day. To finish the book that is. And to sleep I guess. Even though I napped today. Unintentionally. 

Dang that dinosaur is cute.

09 February 2009

The Word 'Best Friend' Becomes Redefined

I miss a lot of people right now, and I'm not really sure why. But I wish I could see everyone all the time.

I'm stuck. Like, really stuck. The worst kind of stuck. And I can't really do anything about it, unless Daniel Faraday of Lost can build me a time machine. 

But in the end, maybe it will all pay off then I'll look back and wonder what the heck I was losing sleep over. 

I just found this really neat song that I heard on a Lay's commercial. I love finding songs on commercials then googling it, finding the song and then downloading it. Very rewarding. That song by The Go! Team haunted me for a semester, but it's okay, don't worry I found it. 

The Slow Club- Thinking, Drinking, Sinking, Feeling. Thank you Lays. 

Oh and those people up top are two strangers I saw sitting along the Mediterranean. I hope they didn't see me taking their picture.