09 August 2010

Summertime ramblings/my brain is turning to goo

1. I just found some milano cookies that I tucked away to eat on vacation and forgot about. My first instinct, real life, actual reaction was, "Oh, NOM."

2. This summer, I was so posi. Positive. Duh.

3. There's nothing I love more than when I put on my serious headphones for serious music listening, and forget to turn on music.

4. Oh for sure, mewithoutYou is my favorite band.

5. Oh for sure, I'm ready to go back to school. A few days ago, I caught myself saying, "I wish I were in Greencsatle so I could get--" I stopped myself there, of course. While I regret the words "I wish I were in Greencastle" anyone who has tasted No. 1's Singaporian noodles would understand where I was headed with that sentence.

6. In reference to #3: A friend just sent me a song over AIM with the message "Best Song Ever" only to be followed shortly by the opening lyrics (dirty south, etc) to "Are you that somebody" by Aaliyah circa 1999. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for defiling my serious listening headphones. Sorry, Aaliyah. No offense-- RIP, girl. Also, I should, I haven't turned off the song. SUE ME.

7. So into this:

8. Nothing more to report. Oh wait, yes there is. Qdoba tried to kill me with their queso. The situation with my stomach is lamentable. K, that's all.