- Dentist Appointment. Now I have never been a person that really truly hates the dentist. But now, I definitely am. Today, I started freaking out while the lady was using that sharp instrument to poke and scrape my teeth. She kept asking me if I was okay to which I replied yes. I should've said no and maybe taken a two minute break. That would have been a good idea. I was NOT OKAY. What happened was as soon as I got in the chair, I started to remember the last time I was there and had to have FOUR cavities filled. I hadn't even had four cavities in my whole lifetime then I had four in one visit. He stuck me with that needle in my gum FOUR times and the whole procedure took like an hour. It was intense, but I held together. Today, I cracked. What really got me were a few things. The memories of last time and that awful needle. She was sharpening those already dangerously sharp hooked tools and sound of it against the sharpening stone was just completely awful. One of the worst sounds I have ever heard, and I'm very sensitive to sounds. The dentist was in another room using some tool that was making a noise that sounded like the cavity drill only a million times worse! And the sound of the extra-sharp tools on my teeth sounded worse than nails on a chalkboard. I was pretty much about to lose it. I may or may not have started crying. And to top it off, I have another cavity. I'm really thinking about just not going back. I really don't know if I can do it. I might just have a full-fledged breakdown in their office.
- At starbucks (in Clay Terrace) today this awesome man had enough balls to tell these obnoxious carmel pre-teens with their underwear length shorts, coach wristlets and iPhones to clean up the mess they made before they blew out of there and headed somewhere else to be obnoxious carmel pre-teens (they probably had time to hit a few more spots to say to their other friends "Oh i went to _______ with ________ and _________ and _________ yesterday" before their moms picked them up). I'd say they were 12-13. Maybe, 14 tops. There were about six of them, both guys and girls. When I arrived they were already there texting each other from across the table and the girls were sitting on the guys' laps because there "weren't enough chairs". (There were plenty). They sat around making noise and screaming for about 15 minutes then got up to leave, leaving their cups and straw papers behind. Not to mention all the chairs they'd rearranged. So half of them are out the door deciding where to go next when this totally awesome guy who had been sitting there trying to read the paper goes, "You're just going to leave without cleaning up your mess?" They looked totally and completely dumbfounded. A few of the girls stammered some words, embarrassed, and feebly grabbed napkins. Quite honestly, they looked completely stupid, and they knew it, which, I'm sure was a shock because they probably think they are coolest kids in all of carmel. HA. They cleaned up and then left, embarrassed. After they were he and met eyes, shook our heads and rolled our eyes. It was hilarious. Then I got a free latte.
- Continuing with the stupidity of carmel teenagers two 15 year old girls got caught stealing swimsuits from Old Navy today while I was working. IDIOTS. They cut the tags off in the fitting room, which the girl working back there found and reported it to Patty (the leader on duty). Patty called mall security. As the girls were about to leave the store, Patty stopped them and says "Girls, excuse me, but we found cut off tags in the dressing room you were in." Their faces turned beet red. One girl pulled a bikini out of her oversize bag and said something along the lines of "I'm really sorry..." blah blah blah. Just as they were walking out, security came in. They tried to act like they didn't see him and just high tail it out of there. Seriously, they were practically running. The security guard caught them, called their dads, and banned them from Clay Terrace for a year (How will two 15 year old Carmel girls live without cLaY tErRaCe?!!?!?) It's possible the other girl still had stolen merchandise, though. I can't remember if the Security guard said he checked them. But even so if she gets home and tries to wear it, her parents are going to know she stole it. So, so stupid. They're lucky we don't live in a country where they cut your hand clean off for stealing.
Well, this is long, but I feel like I'll want to read about these events later, so they need to be well documented.
Something else that's been on my mind is how athletes are overpaid by MILLIONS of dollars. Why not pay people more that actually contribute to and do good for society? People like teachers, policemen, firefighters, and I don't know maybe those in the ARMED FORCES who serve and protect our country. I know that it doesn't work like that though. I mean you can't just take money from Lebron James or whoever and give it to a teacher who makes an impact everyday on kids' lives. But it just bugs me that this country gives more to people who play games than those who work hard to serve society. If professional sports leagues died off, the country would still be functioning. Sure, sports revenues help the economy, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. But if we didn't have a military, firefighters, law enforcement, teachers and other really important positions I'm forgetting, we would be in major trouble. I mean I understand that athletes have a very unique skill set, but really how much does it truly matter if __________ is really good at basketball or football or whatever. Good teachers on the other hand may be sacrificing a job of higher pay to try to impart what they know to ignorant, ungrateful high schoolers. And I think elementary teachers really have a special gift to interact so well with kids. UGH. Whatever. I don't like getting myself worked up. I really just typed a whole lot... wow. I think it's because I ate a few dark chocolate covered coffee beans. Straight to the bloodstream I tell you.