24 January 2011

January 2011 Summary

1) Handicapped as a result of a minor snowboarding catastrophe.
2) Strep Throat for two weeks.
3) Roughly one week of health and boredom.
4) Migraine (now going on five days) nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, etc.
5) Several sleepless nights (see numbers 2 and 4)
6) NEW YEAR'S AT THE LAKE HOUSE!! (post snowboarding soreness, pre strep throat)

Obsession of the Month:

Song/Album/Artist of the Month:
Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer

Best Weekend of the Month:
New Year's for sure
Second Place: The backwards Saturday night

Interesting Fact(s) of the Month:
I've downed almost an entire 100 gelcap container of Extra Strength Tylenol

I'm having an embarrassing amount of fun making questions for myself and then answering them. WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE??

This month's rating: -2.5 stars.

12 January 2011

Knock-off brand Sun Chips from Aldi's

Mom: I don't know what it is about these chips-- I can't stop eating them!
Me: Hmm, I don't know. They don't taste right. They taste-
Mom: Artificial. But I can't stop.
Mom: Like Meow Mix.*

*Riley the cat was strung out on Meow Mix for a while. It was a dark time in his life. And he did, in fact, ask for it by name.

10 January 2011

Since I've been sick--

I've been wasting an obscene amount of time on the interwebz. So much.

I made a twitter.

Then I made a stumbleupon account to help me find more websites on which to waste my time.

Cheers to second semester senior year!

On another note, Mucinex is serious.

09 January 2011

stay posi

Since that post was overwhelmingly negative/disgusting and a very UN-POSI way to start the new year, I'll do this instead. Something about this just cracks me up. (Although laughing is acutely painful.)

For anyone who wants to know:

Here's what my throat has looked like since last Tuesday!

Disclaimer: This is not actually my throat, but the similarities abound.

I'm in pain and miserable and lonely. And swallowing is torture. And the antibiotics aren't working. And I have to take tylenol every two hours for the headaches. And now I'm done complaining.