13 September 2010

"For the first time, in a long time, I feel alive."

So, I'm a senior and for the first time since the beginning of Freshman year, I feel like DePauw is where I'm supposed to be. I may be overly optimistic, which is uncharacteristic of me, but I think this might turn out to be my best year yet. I've decided to try to journal everyday, and while I don't want to share ALL of my personal journal, I'll probably post chunks. STAY TUNED.

Where is Conan O'Brien? I WANT HIM BACK.

I just finished developing some film for photo class, and I'm eating an apple... I didn't wash my hands first. There's a 87% chance I've just eaten developer, stop bath, fixer, hypoclear and photo flo in that order. Cheers!

I have a lot I could say, but I don't have time right now. Later/Soon.

I need to go finish reading The French Lieutenant's Woman. Thanks.