I'd say about once every three years, I hear a song or find a band that truly changes the way I listen to music. It moves me. It prompts me to discover. It inspires my taste in music to begin leap ahead, leaving the old behind.
And the funny thing is, when I hear said type of song, I know it. I know what's coming. It takes a few weeks or months for the transformation to begin, but I can see it in the distance, on the horizon, whichever sounds most promising.
Leaving the old for the new happens in life. I don't really leave these bands so much as I thank them for their inspiration and then grow from there. Yes, I take music this seriously. Sue me. In my defense, I don't actually send out thank you letters (though it's not a bad idea.)
If you've never heard a song that stops you in your tracks, makes you think, makes you press repeat, makes you even physically tingle, then I'm sorry, but your taste in music could use some revamping. I'm iffy to objectively file things that are subjective into "good" and "bad", but if music doesn't make you feel, then what's the point? I don't want this to turn into a music rant because well-- wow, that would never end.
I'm just trying to say that in a world filled with the musical equivalent of what fine artists/photographers calls "eye candy", it gives me hope to know that people are still making music capable of making an audience FEEL not just hear.
Why am I writing so much seriousness lately? Well, actually, for anyone else, musically induced epiphanies are hardly serious. The joys of being me. Either way, this epiphany is poorly articulated. I feel more strongly than I can really express. I'm going to go listen to my new inspiration, Justin Bieber, now. KIDDING.