Chances are, absolutely nobody cares, but I think the list is worth publishing. I also started writing up reviews of each CD last semester, I found those too and finished the few I hadn't done. People are chomping at the bit for this information. They are clamoring to know what I considered my favorite music when I was hopeless and emotional 16 year old. There is pandemonium. Attn crowds: prepared to be pacified.
"Favorite CD's Ever"
1) Blindside- Silence
2) Copeland- Beneath Medicine Tree
3) Haste the Day- That They May Know You (or) Burning Bridges
4) MxPx- Ten Years and Running
5) Relient K- Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek (or) Self-Titled (or) Two Lefts Don't Make A Right
6) Taking Back Sunday- Tell All Your Friends
So yeah, when I was 16, I was under the impression that these were my Favorite CD's Ever. Now, I will admit, Copeland's Beneath Medicine Tree is one of my favorites ever. So is Haste the Day's Burning Bridges and most certainly Taking Back Sunday's Tell All Your Friends. Those are (currently) some of my favorite bands of all time. But Blindside, MxPx (WOW, Really??) and Relient K were a little off. But it's okay. I started there, and moved onto better, comparable bands. Except for MxPx. Punk rock is dead to me, but I appreciate the CD for what it was to me at the time.
And, I kind of feel like I'm 16 again as I write this. Additionally, I think it's noteworthy that as I write this I'm listening to Taking Back Sunday's "Tell All Your Friends" and wearing an old, stained, dirty Haste the Day shirt. I think someone else's blood is on it from a show at the Emerson. BR00TAL.

I'll write more later on this gem of a discovery. I'll post the reviews that I wrote. In the meantime, I'm just hoping to keep the crowds at bay.